Monday, November 12, 2007

pretty dresses!

I'll confess- I try my hardest to be unique. As much as I like going with the flow, I always want to be different. Not in an odd, off-kilter way, but in a way that makes me distinctive. This might be the result of being one of four children. I'm definitely not complaining though. =)

Anyway, one thing that I had qualms with in wedding planning is that it's hard to find unique bridesmaid dresses. I know that's not the focus of the wedding, but I care a lot about what my bridesmaids wear. I feel like it's one of the many ways that I can care for my girls as a way to thank them for caring for me through all these years. I've threatened them with bright orange taffeta dresses, but really? I want something they can breathe in- no girdles, please. I want something elegant but not prom-dress formal. I want something that highlights how beautiful all of my bridesmaids are AND shows my taste.

I went shopping last week for a dress for a wedding and found a dress by Maggy London. It was a surprising find because it was cute, age-appropriate, and very comfortable. After buying it I decided to look up the designer, and I found a bunch of dresses that I loved (and would totally wear!) Apparently on you can search under different occasions/events and see what they deem as "Bridesmaid" dresses. They have wedding dresses, too, but I wasn't super thrilled about them. Regardless, I was glad to have another option available other than David's Bridal. We'll see what I end up choosing, but I'm really relieved that I have choices!

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