Sunday, July 27, 2008


Recently I've noticed that it doesn't take very much to annoy me. Another email asking whether or not we invited someone to the wedding? Annoyed. Finding out someone hasn't booked their ticket to the wedding yet? Annoyed. Not realizing that I'm inside the moving truck before moving it? Annoyed.

I don't know where this spirit of contempt is coming from. I'm guessing it's a biproduct of stress, so I'm trying to relax. Part of it might be resentment because this planning feels very lonely. I know people want to help, but usually W is the person I need to help me with stuff (just because they're decisions, not physical tasks) and he's not around all the time. I'll be glad when planning is over because maybe then I can be normal. Maybe. Just maybe.

I'll try and counteract the negativity with some positive thoughts:
1) I love my caterer. She's been great at accommodating our requests and is doing everything she can to ensure that I don't have to worry about her part.
2) I love my decorations gal. I stopped worrying about reception decorations the minute I appointed her.
3) I'm thankful for W and his willingness to move all my junk to the new apartment.
4) I'm thankful for our new apartment! It might be a little on the older side and a little further from work, but I'm glad we found something affordable with enough space for us.
5) I'm glad for good girl friends who patiently listen to me complain about wedding stuff even though their lives are much more serious/important.
6) I'm thankful that work has been manageable lately. I don't know if I'm getting better assignments on purpose but it's been a blessing to not have to worry about staying 3 hours later just to finish up paperwork.
7) I love that Bisquick pancakes can actually be pretty tasty. I really wanted pancakes the other day and that totally hit the spot.
8) I'm thankful for a spa gift certificate from a certain former roommate- I was saving it for the wedding, and it'll be the perfect indulgence for this week.
9) My sibs have been phenomenal- anything I've asked of them they've helped with, and then some.
10) W has been really patient even though I was really snappy with him yesterday.
11) I'm thankful that Craigslist exists. The couch that no one wants to move will be moved tonight.
12) I'm glad that Facebook lets us see pictures from other people's albums even if we're not friends with them.

Okay, that's enough for now. Time to move a couch.

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