Saturday, February 2, 2008

the name game

I got an email from a friend referring to me as the "soon to be mrs. c____"! It was weird thinking that by the end of next year I'll have a new name.

(Haha, in my yearly review at work I should have told them I was studying for my M.R.S. when they asked what further education I was going to pursue.)

Anyway, I've decided to take W's last name. That wasn't a big decision because I was more than happy to do so. However, I don't know if I'm going to keep my maiden name. I wouldn't hyphenate it, but I have the option of having it as a second middle name, so to speak. I can't drop my given middle name because it incorporates my mom's name...and really, it's too clever for me to just get rid of it.

Pros and Cons for keeping it:
Pros- 1) I'm very close to my family, and keeping the name shows my family pride; 2) My nursing license is listed with my maiden name; 3) It asserts my independence and identity- like, this is not only who I was but also who I still am.

Cons- 1) My initials are much cuter if I just use my married name (TLC as opposed to TLLC); 2) It sounds way too long if I keep both last names...and I wouldn't want people to think it's hyphenated cuz it sounds weird; 3) We're becoming a new family, and part of me thinks I should let go of my maiden name (esp. since I have brothers to carry that name). It doesn't make me any less a part of my family if I do it.

I have no idea what to do! Or, well, okay...I think I'm leaning towards just being TLC. But a little part of me is sad cuz it's, like, the end of an era! *sigh* I'll have to think/pray about it more. Any thoughts?


Unknown said...

I can't remember your middle name. However clever it may be...I think it would be cool to take your last name as your middle name. Two middle names is too much. Do you have to change your nursing license? How does that work...

Bicoastal Bride said...

It's part of my mom's name...hence the unique spelling of my first name. And changing my nursing license isn't a big deal- I just have to have my marriage license and all the other name change stuff done first.

Unknown said...

I'm seeing more brides keep their last name either w/a hyphen or as a 2nd middle name...including yours truly and Jess.

KK seemed perfectly fine w/it prior to the wedding, but as soon as I put it on my new DMV license, it bothered him to see the "L" as my middle initial.

Does W care?

Erica said...

Hmmm. . . leong chuang has an interesting ring to it. I say just get a "Leong" tattoo and then you'll always have. haha (but only slightly kidding)

Jessica said...

i totally get you on this.. i had a hard time deciding. especially since my maiden name was like the ONLY obviously white thing about me. hahaha. I think you should DEF keep your given middle name.. your parents gave you no choice for it. :)