Tuesday, June 10, 2008

ready set go

It sounds ridiculous, but I have several "aesthetic" goals for the wedding:
1) Figure out how long it takes to grow my nails to an appropriate length
2) Do everything to avoid tan lines on my upper body
3) Be curvy!
4) Find the optimal eyebrow curve (this may include getting my eyebrows threaded, I haven't decided yet)
5) Keep my skin well moisturized
6) Exfoliate so my skin isn't all dry and flaky when I moisturize it
7) Figure out how to not be bloated and gross on my wedding day

Basically, I want to glow. I think that generally comes with the package when I'm a bride. I'm trying to increase my water intake and eat more fruits and veggies...to the point where I'm considering having more vegetarian meals to make sure I'm getting lots of vitamins. (It doesn't hurt that summer is the best time for veggies, and it's so stinkin' hot here in Boston that meat-heavy meals make you feel gross...unless it's a bbq. =)

I was trying to think about why it's easy to come up with these little things and obsess over my appearance...and I think it's because it's easier to plan these things because they have very tangible results. The harder part? Actually preparing to be a wife. Praying for my husband-to-be. Understanding the depth of God's intention for marriage. Making sure my inside is just as beautiful as outside, if not more. A few weeks ago the weight of getting married finally hit me (emotionally and mentally...I was a wreck for a couple days. "Everything's changing! Am I really ready for this??!") and now it's settling in. I hope I remember that being beautiful is more than just aesthetics.

Prayer for this would be greatly appreciated!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

:) you will glow... and i know that you will be a WONDERFUL wife and helper to w. still... i will pray for you. :)