Thursday, June 26, 2008

behind the scenes

Just thought it'd be fun to show you Wayne's hair trial:

This is the un-gelled version. Apparently the side part that he sported in our engagement pictures makes him look too much like a Chinese dad. I think it's fine, and he thinks so too, so we're gonna go with a shorter version of the side part but gelled. He's done it before so it looks fine...the trick is figuring out when he needs to cut his hair so it's the right length. He went to our hairstylist before A&E's wedding to get his hair cut and when he walked through the door I was like "oh no!" It was way short. After a week it looked better though, and now that it's been 2 weeks it's just about right. And he's not making a kissy face in the picture- he's going for Magnum. "Dear's beautiful!"

And our lovely, simple Chinese invitations:

Sorry the pictures aren't great, but they fit all of the qualifications: red, with the double happiness symbol, and in Chinese. We made them ourselves, thanks to the suggestion of C.L. (soon to be C.C.!!) and the friendly clerk at Paper Source. And by ourselves I mean with help from my womens group and W's uncle. We're invitation MACHINES.

Other than that, we're in the stage where we're getting RSVPs and paying for things. W is in Hartford during the week, and thankfully I've had time to visit him last week and today. The drive isn't too bad cuz I don't go during high traffic hours. I still miss him though- it's so pathetic. After I saw him today I started to get sad the minute I got into my own car to leave Hartford. I know I'll see him over the weekend, but it's not the same. I'm gonna go into shock after the wedding cuz we'll be together ALL THE TIME. Eesh!

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