Wednesday, January 9, 2008

the few, the proud

I had a really hard time choosing my bridesmaids. Since I've moved from coast to coast I've had numerous women make an impact in my life. How can I choose just a few when they all mean so much to me?

I chose my sister as MOH- before it was just a diplomatic pick since I didn't want to choose between my friends, but now we're actually good friends. I also chose my two best friends from high school because we've been through so much and still remain good friends even though we live in separate coasts. Three seemed like too little, but I didn't want to have 6 or 7 because I didn't think that my FI had 6 or 7 guys he wanted to ask. I guess it could have been uneven, but I liked having an equal amount of bridesmaids and groomsmen.

The process wasn't as simple as I thought. At first I went with an all-or-nothing approach: If I couldn't include all the women in one category I would eliminated it entirely. I have three college suitemates whom I adore, but since I didn't want to ask just one of them I decided to be fair and not ask any of them. I also have three close friends in Boston but didn't want to ask one and not the others (which turned out fine since two of them will be planning their own weddings.) I'll probably ask them to help out with different parts of the wedding later.

However, I was left with the choice between a friend from my church youth group and my FI's sister. My friend and I had been hoping to be in each other's weddings since high school, but I really love my FSIL and wanted her to be included, too. My FI had mentioned having four, so it was really hard to choose which one I wanted to ask. What to do!?!?

Thankfully my FI decided to ask three of his good friends and then ask my two brothers. It was a total blessing because not only did it allow me to include both ladies, but it meant that all of our siblings would be in the bridal party. Yay!

Did anyone else have a hard time deciding who to include? I felt like I not only had to consider my relationship with each person, but whether or not they'd have the time and the funds (being a bridesmaid is very involved financially, too!) Some of my friends have had to ask people they weren't as close with because their FI's had so many groomsmen, but I have no idea how they chose the people they did. Did you consider whether or not they would all get along? I'm glad I decided already, but I'm curious about how other people chose.


Unknown said...

i just realized you started your blog in november!! :P i have plenty of thoughts about choosing bridesmaids, considering i have 7! we'll have to get together soon. :)

Jessica said...

I had no idea you had this blog! I really love reading your thoughts, reading them is like having coffee with you 3,000 miles away. :)