Friday, May 23, 2008


I'm in California with W and his sister right now, and I'm getting so antsy! We got our marriage license yesterday (which was really quick thanks to the online form!) and checked out the new banquet site (which we like...we think the food might be better than the last place). We're going cake tasting in a couple minutes at a Chinese bakery since we didn't really like the Vietnamese bakery. Things are moving along.

I think I'm antsy cuz I have no idea what's going on tonight! My bridesmaids are all in town and they're throwing me a bridal shower. My request was to have something low-key and not your typical bridal shower (sitting around, playing games, opening presents). Not that there's anything wrong with typical bridal showers, but they're not very "me." I know whatever it is will be fun, but I hate now knowing what's going on! It's okay...I trust my bridesmaids. The most I've heard is that I have some very "creative" bridesmaids, and it "should be fun" so I'm expecting something crazy. And there will be more than 10 people there. And I may or may not be sleeping over somewhere. I feel like the Friends episode ("The one where they're going to party") when Chandler and Ross have to be prepared for anything and everything when they go party with their friend Gandolf cuz you never know what will happen when you're with him. Better go get a snake-bite kit.

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