Sunday, May 4, 2008

the truth

Are people still willing to tell me the truth?

I feel like when it comes to weddings everyone knows not to mess with the bride. If the bride says something, DO IT. Do not argue with her, do not try and make things difficult for her, just do it.

But what if what I'm asking for is unbelievably unreasonable? What if it'll cost three times as much to do it that way as opposed to what was originally planned? What if it's a really bad idea?

W is good about being honest with me (he's shot down several ideas for the reception, which in retrospect weren't fantastic ideas to begin with) and several other friends have as well. I'm hoping that this is the trend so far- that yes, I'm a crazy bride, but I'm also a reasonable one. And I'd rather hear the truth than have something sugar-coated for me. You all can spread that rumor.

I'm not sure if that applies for the day of the wedding though...maybe that's the one time where I'm okay not knowing the whole truth. =) I'm kidding. Or, well, we'll see.

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