Monday, May 12, 2008

a helpful dream

I know most wedding dreams are usually nightmares, but I had a really helpful dream last night. Bear with me:

For some reason we're getting married at a retreat center and having the dinner catered by a Chinese restaurant in the dining hall (this is my second wedding dream that happened in a retreat center in the woods...what does that mean?) Anyway, I'm all dressed to go but I realize:
1) My ex somehow made his way to our wedding. I see him in the hall when I'm on my way to the restroom to get ready and I'm upset. We don't interact, but I'm just mad that he had the gall to show up.
2) I forgot my earrings- luckily my wedding coordinator has an extra pair, but I only put on one of the earrings.

I walk down the aisle, and then all of a sudden I have an out-of-body experience! Instead of experiencing the wedding from the altar, I'm watching my wedding from the back corner. Memorable moments include: my dad leading worship, my dad having a scroll of our genealogy that's shaped like a bowling pin, our "thank you" to the parents being very sterile (like, we just bow, we don't hug them or anything), W's parents suddenly being Korean, and people crying during the wedding.

Anyway, after the wedding I talked to my coordinator and she says we can do it over, which makes sense to me because we never had a rehearsal. She gives me a list of things to remember, like:
1) Making sure I'm hydrated
2) Having folding chairs up front for the flower girls
3) Bringing my earrings
4) Brushing my teeth and mouth beforehand so my breath isn't gross

We try to coordinate when we can have the "actual wedding" and it has to be later that day or even the next day cuz we have to coordinate it around the banquet. But just as we're ending it starts raining and rain starts pouring into the sanctuary we were using. W and I make our way to the dining hall for the banquet and he tells me that my ex talked to him, they're on good terms, and he just happened to be in town for something else...he wasn't there to crash.

So random! I just had to write that down before I forgot all the details. Time to go to work.

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